Paranormal News, Unexplainable Events & Other Oddities
Written Confessions, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: 3:00 AM in the Haunted Ambulance

The following written confession was shared via Reader’s Digest from Reddit contributor Zerbo: The ambulance company that I used to work for had a “haunted” ambulance: rig 12. A lot of EMTs had stories about it, but I never put much stock in paranormal stuff. That is, until I had my own experience with rig 12. My partner and I were working in a rural community at 3 a.m., and it was pitch-dark and completely quiet….

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BLOG: Here's a List of Every Episode Featured in The Confessionals Intro!

We get quite a stack of emails in The Confessionals’ inbox, and one of the questions we’re asked most frequently is, “What episodes are featured in your show’s intro?!” From the episode with the giant in the cave, to the guy who slithered over the floor, to the long bony fingers curling under the door, listeners are intrigued by the episode excerpts featured in the show’s opening montage! So after many inquiries, it finally occurred to us to bring those intriguing episodes to you all in one place!

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