BLOG: 10 Creepy Things People Found in Their Homes

Finding pentagrams carved into your concrete patio is not exactly a warm welcome to your new house… but that’s exactly what our interview guests on Episode 115: The Satanic Slaughterhouse discovered in their home! And they aren’t alone in their creepy finds. The Internet is full of photos of weird things left behind by former homeowners, usually uncovered by unsuspecting and mystified new residents. Here are just 10 creepy things people found in their homes:

1) It seems this obvious serial killer also enjoyed self portraiture. I found this painting tucked away behind the washer/dryer in the laundry room of my new house.”

2) If you hear slow, rhythmic rocking noises in the middle of the night, it’s time to find another rental. “Had to go to the attic to check for moisture in a house I’m renting. This is the only thing stored there and it sits directly above my bed…”

3) I would have much preferred to find a Jumanji board. “I found a Ouija board behind a heating vent”.

4) The former owner was probably trying to burn it before it killed them. “Bought a house. Found this creepy doll in the furnace room.”

5) I guess there’s no property disclosure law for satanism. This person found evidence of Satanic rituals and activity in both his basement and attic after moving in. The realtor showed him neither when he saw the house. Probably for a reason.”

6) Um… what is “IT”, exactly? “Boyfriend and I move into house and discover this engraved above his bedroom door. “It Never Stops.””

7) That definitely explains the scary noises in the basement. “A couple discovered there was a chapel hidden underneath their home dating back to the 1700s. They found it by checking out where the metal grate by their front door led.”

8) Seal it up right now, forget you were ever here. “I just found this in an old closet in my house. I nearly shat myself.”

9) How are the recently deceased supposed to read this? No, wait, I don’t want to know. “Found this in the pantry in my new house.”

10) This old baby stroller looks not at all haunted. “I should never have opened the attic”.

For even more creepy finds, check out our blog sequel, 10 MORE Creepy Things People Found in Their Homes!

What creepy items have you accidentally discovered (and maybe wished you hadn’t!)? Share with us in the comments!

~ Lindsay W. Merkel


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