360: Discovering MK-Ultra | Part 2 (Members)
In Episode 360: Discovering MK-Ultra Part 2, we are joined again by Cat. In the first installment with Cat on The Confessionals in Episode 241, she revealed experiences that sounded so similar to MK-Ultra experiences, which came as a shock and revelation to her as she was interviewing. Since that interview, she and I have kept in contact as she started discovering new memories and connecting more puzzle pieces. In this episode, we discuss politicians, big companies, and how Cat’s mom “pimped her out” to a man who seemed like he came from the future. However, when I asked her to go into more detail about the school she attended as a child, our communication suddenly started acting like something was tampering with it. As you will hear, sometimes when you are talking to Cat, you may really be talking to more than just Cat.