Written Confession: UFO Lights in Arizona

The following written + video confession was submitted via email:

the video was taken November 4 2012 in mesa, Arizona about a 15 min drive from Phoenix, AZ from beginning to end the lights probably lasted about 40 minutes the video is a lot shorter than that however the lights had started before I started recording and continue after I stopped recording I then hopped into my car and follow them a little and managed to get closer and reached an open field where I saw two of these objects together and suddenly one of them took a hard right turn and sped off at a really fast speed which led me to believe that these were not lanterns or anything like that because of the way that one turned and sped off and because of the way the other ones were acting it is my opinion that these were Somehow intelligently controlled my best guess is still drones however even if that is the case it's still a pretty crazy event and would have to be some kind of military exercise or something perhaps not even from our country that being said I do not rule out extraterrestrial activity these things were definitely unidentified flying objects


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