Written Confession: Two Brothers Terrorized for Years Living in a Haunted House, and No One Believed Them

The following written confession was shared via Reddit by ImTheTrashMan111:

When my brother was 6 and I was 4, we moved house. My brother remembers that the first night we slept there he had trouble getting to sleep, and his eyes kept focusing on something in his room that looked like the outline of a person standing at the foot of his bed. He says the next morning I said there had been a “wiggly man” in my room that night. I don’t remember this myself, and our parents don’t remember me saying it, but there were lots of experiences I had in that house over the years that I do remember vividly.

I would hear voices, usually angry ones, and often my brother would hear the same thing at the same time but our parents wouldn’t hear anything. We both used to feel hands grabbing us, especially at night. We both got sleep paralysis often, and we both would see a pale, sick looking man with sores around his eyes, nose and mouth holding us down. We both heard footsteps patrolling the house at night. I saw a woman in an old fashioned dress sort of sitting/lying on the bottom of the staircase and crying, three different times, and one of those times my brother also saw her. I would hear loud banging on my bedroom door, at first I assumed it was my brother being a dick, but when I went to check there was never anyone there, my brother would often hear the banging too but our parents never did. My brother was seeing and hearing strange things almost every week.

There was always weirdness like doors, cupboards and drawers being left open when we knew we closed them, weird smells and problems with electronics (our parents constantly got people in to check for problems with the wiring or CO2 etc), stuff got knocked over when there was no one around.

Our parents never believed us about what we saw and heard, no one did. At first everyone thought my brother was making it up and I was playing along to be included. Then they thought he was having psychosis symptoms and because I was young and suggestible I was imagining the things he was saying he saw.

I started to believe it too until my brother and I both saw a shadow person walk through the coffee table towards us and the coffee table moved too, the remote fell off it and a glass on it fell off and chipped. That was real, our parents could see it (and we got in trouble for it), that couldn’t be a hallucination or imagination.

We moved out after 6 years there and we stopped seeing and hearing those things. No more sleep paralysis. Everyone thought my brother’s psychosis was being controlled by his meds, but when he moved out of home he stopped taking his meds and he was fine, no symptoms of psychosis. We both agree the house was definitely haunted but our parents still stick with the psychosis theory and we’ve learned not to bother arguing.


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