Written Confession: Truck Driver Rolls Up on Freaky Humanoid Creature Eating a Coyote in Utah

The following written confession was shared via Reddit by CaliforniaSun19:

My friend drove for a few years a while back. He told me he was driving a rig very late at night in Utah. Driving on a lesser used two lane highway. He said he remembers feeling very alert that night. So he noticed what appeared to be a figure manifesting up ahead on the dark road. Told me it wasn't on the road but just next to it. He then comes to a stop and grabs his heavy duty flashlight and points it at the figure.

He then describes "it". Apparently this humanoid creature had a dead coyote it was eating and the truck had gotten its attention and pissed it off. So it sorta stands up so he can get a full view of the thing. It was guant, with very big eyes, and of course the coyote blood all over its face. It's height was about 6'2, it had skinny limbs, no clothing. He then describes how it started to shuffle slowly towards the truck. Not only does he not have a weapon at that time, the only usable weapon being his flashlight, is actively helping him view this creature. He decides to book it and leave. Had no problem passing it. Turned around to see it standing in the middle of the road on two legs as he drove away.

When he reaches the nearest rest stop he sees two other truckers talking. Apparently my friend wasnt the only one to see the thing. Both the two guys looked as horrified as he was.


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