The Confessionals

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Written Confession: The Woman With No Eyes Is Staring At My Baby

The following written confession was shared via Reddit by deep-and-hidden-wv:

I used to live in a trailer park in WV off a notorious road known for its haunting encounters. It even has it's own website dedicated to letting the people tell stories of their experiences. But this was before I even knew that the website existed.

So this was not long after I had my fourth child. She was a handful. Besides constantly taking her diaper off, she was a little ninja escape artist that always climbed out of the crib doing flips and the like.

Since she knew how to get out on her own and did so quite often, it surprised me when while sitting in the living room late at night watching TV, I heard her start screaming. This child was not a big cry baby. Not even when she got hurt.

I knew something had to be wrong. I ran into the far back room where she shared a room with her sister and walked in. At first I didn't see her. And her sister had fallen asleep on the couchnext to me.. I started to say "What's the matter baby gi -" when I at last saw her, my whole body froze in terror.

An old woman with grey hair pulled back into a bun, wearing a red and black stripped silk top and a long black skirt, was bent over my daughters crib just staring at her screaming her head off. Like she was studying her!

As I stood there frozen, the old woman stayed hunched over and moving just her head, turned her face in my direction. She had no eyes and she was smiling at me! Not a friendly smile either, but an ominous one. I panicked. Mommy instincts kicked in and I dove for my kid. Breaking the crib in the process. I got all of my kids out of the house that night and two weeks later we moved out.