Written Confession: The Old Woman With the Pet Finger

The following written confession was shared via Reddit by nonbinaryspongebob:

This isn’t the only paranormal event but it’s the one I always share first with people.

This happened when I was a child. I was 4-6 years old. I was staying the night with my aunt and my cousin(2-4yoF). My parents were celebrating their anniversary. She lived in an apartment above a small grocery store. Me and my cousin were sharing a bed in my cousin’s bedroom. I am sleeping on the edge of the bed and my cousin is against the wall. Nothing seemed odd before we went to bed. We went to sleep.

Sometime in the night I woke up because I thought I heard a creaking sound ,like a door opening. I open my eyes and see an old woman rocking back & forth in an old fashion rocking chair. She is probably 6ft away from me. She reminded me of Mrs. Claus. She was greyscale in color and only slightly transparent. Beside her was a small table/night stand. It had a round top and was made of wood. On the table was a fish bowl ( or something similar) and inside the bowl was a dismembered finger wiggling around. The old woman hasn’t looked up at me and is rocking and knitting. Suddenly with every rock forward she took, she would move a little closer to the bed.

At this point I have managed to shove my cousin awake and she is very groggy. The old woman is now very close to the bed. She is looking right at me. And she says “Do you know where your parents are?” And rocks back a little.

I say “(Cousin name), do you see it?” She says “uh huh”. I whisper “Get Aunt ___” and she crawled out of bed near the door.

I’m now alone with the old woman. She is rocking back & forth. And she is rocking so hard I feel like she is going to flip the chair. And suddenly she rocks forward and poof just gone.

I then start screaming and my aunt & cousin come in. I tell my aunt what I just saw and she tells me I was probably dreaming. A few years later me, my cousin and my sister are sitting around talking. And my cousin says “hey nonbinaryspongebob, you remember that time we saw the old lady with the finger?”

All the proof I needed- I didn’t imagine it.


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