Written Confession: TC Listener Shares Eerie Randonautica Experience at an Abandoned Paper Mill

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First, I just wanna say that I really appreciate the Confessionals and the amount of effort you put into it. I listen to it every day at work. I was especially intrigued by the Randonautica episodes and decided to give it a shot myself. The first place it led me to was this abandoned paper mill 10 minutes from my house. I went with my buddy and we were pretty creeped out by what we found. We ended up finding 6 dead deer, a dead black cat, and really ominous graffiti all over the ruins. The main one that caught our attention was this humanoid cryptid/skeleton/demon thing with a group of people on the other side of it bowing down to it. It really does seem like some black magic was done here, all things considered. I really just want to know what the figure represents, perhaps your knowledge of the paranormal can be of assistance.

Want to hear more intriguing Randonautica experiences? Check out Episode 395: The Mysterious Randonautica and our blog 30 Images of Uncanny Coincidences People Experienced Using the Randonautica App.


VIDEO: Sasquatch Chronicles and The Confessionals Live With Bob Gimlin


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