Written Confession: Strange Happenings in the Trailer Park

The following written confession was submitted via email:

We use to live in this trailer park near Grants, New Mexico. Before we moved to this trailer park, my uncle and grandma lived in this trailer park, in 2 different trailers, 2 different lots. My uncle moved after about a year living there, moved his trailer and everything so the spot was empty. We then decided to move to the same trailer park and ended up moving to the same spot where my uncle had lived. My grandma was still living in the trailer park at the time. So us kids, myself, my little sister and brother were always running back and forth between our trailer and our grandmas trailer. The trailers were about 200-300 yards away from each other and we can see our trailer if we looked out our grandmas dining area window.

Strange things began happening about a month or two after we settled in there.

One evening we were hanging out at our grandmas waiting for my mom to get home from work. We were playing a board game on the dining table and I looked outside towards our trailer and I saw our lights on in the trailer and I was like, "oh mom is home." I clearly could see the lights on because it was towards the evening. So my siblings and I told grandma that we were going home, so we started walking and we got to the dirt driveway of our home and I noticed the lights were off and nothing in the driveway, no car. So I was confused so we went back to grandmas and I figured my mom came home real quick and left right away. When she did come home I asked if she came home and left again and of course, no she did not come home at any point during the day until we saw her. I didn't think too much about it after that.

Another time, my sister would wake up early in the morning, usually around 5 am or so. I wouldn't get up until about 6:30. She would get up early so she could shower and fix her hair and all that for school. She would get her clothes ready the night before and set it out on her dresser in her room. Well one morning she woke my little brother and I up and she was upset. Basically she thought one of us took her clothes and threw them in the bathtub and turned the water on, because she found the clothes that she had set out soaking wet in the bathtub and she thought we had something to do with it. I didn't do it and my brother also swears he didn't do it. Parents also knew nothing about it.

After that happened the first time it happened about 3 or 4 more times while we lived there.

Very Strange and the conversation came up during a family get together and our uncle that use to live in that exact spot about a year before we moved there said he would find his clothes in the bathtub at times as well. My mother actually saw a little girl one night and she couldn't saw if it was real or if it was a dream. My parents would also use to hear littles kids running around our trailer laughing and talking. Seems pretty normal if you think about it but they would hear this around 1am-3am. of course they'd get up and look outside and NO ONE was there.


Tony Merkel Guest Hosts Sasquatch Chronicles Episode 727: They Took My Flesh


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