Written Confession: She's Trying to Get Your Attention

The following written confession was shared via Reddit by DragonfruitOk8451:

Alright this is a quick story. My MIL is a very spiritual person. My husband has told me stories of paranormal stuff that happened in his childhood home his whole life. I didn’t really think anything of it until this particular stay. One night we are sleeping in his old bedroom. I have never really slept great there just because there’s always an uneasy feeling. So it’s like 3 am and I get up to go to the bathroom. Right as I get to the door leading into the bathroom, I hear a clap. Like in my ear clear as day. I have never been so scared in my life. I look at the bed and my husband is knocked out. The next morning I walk into the kitchen to get coffee and his mom goes: How did you sleep last night? I just stare at her confused. Did she hear the clap? Why was she asking me that? She goes on to say: Do you know a little girl that has died recently? I say no. And she says: Well there’s a little girl attached to you trying to get your attention. I’m like WTF. She leaves for like 20 minutes and comes back: She’s gone now. This was like 3 years ago and I still to this day don’t sleep well at her house. Creepy.


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