The Confessionals

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Written Confession: Possible Satanic Activity While Camping in Joshua Tree

The following written confession was shared via Reddit by -dan1el- and recently emailed to us by a listener following Episode 512: Desert Portal Death Cult:

Monday night, me and my girlfriend were camping in Hidden Valley Campground. It was around 8 pm, and pitch black when we heard rhythmic chanting in some language we had never heard before. There was a leader who would yell a sentence in that language or tongue, and what a group of people would repeat the sentence. This was coming from approximately 5 sites down from us. The chanting continued for about 45 minutes with increasing intensity. Then tribal sounding music starts playing. We went inside my camper to climb on the roof and try to see what was going on in that site. As we got up, we heard the leader start screaming “Murder” and the others repeating it back. Murder was yelled at least 15 times repeatedly and in unison. After that, we very quickly packed up and started to drive off the site. As we passed the site that all of the activity was coming from, a man in a costume of some sort jumped out from the darkness and purposely slammed my truck with his hands. We kept driving all the way out of the park straight home.

Earlier in the day, while bouldering, we saw a large pentagram written in the sand with stones around it. Turns out that was the same campsite all the chanting and weird activity was coming from.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this in Joshua Tree.