Written Confession: Haunted Home Full of Old Random Children's Teeth

The following written confession was submitted via email:

Im a new listener to your podcast after watching the Dogman doco !. Absolutely loved it !!!

As soon as I heard this episode was based in P.A. I was like damn have I got a lil short story for you !

Backstory :

My Sister used to live in Australia but moved to the states cause she fell in love with her now wife. After a few moves they brought a home on [removed] right next to the forest entry. Now She had a few haunted items she obtained over the years between the three of us (Me, my sister and her wife) we knew there activities as the bulk of them she had whilst living in Australia. We often video chat over Skype and the first few times as she was moving in I kept saying “ Wtf was that ?” “ Was one of your vessels ??” We would hear all sorts of bangs, knocks and other weird noises as well as whispers all clear over my laptop speakers. Her wife was working at the time trucking over the states so often I t was just us two. Now every time something happened she’d make sure it wasn’t one of her kids and most of the time it wasn’t because if they weren’t with her talking to me they were playing in front of her as she was renovating at the time. So fast forward to 2021 and one night she rang me early completely puzzled. She was doing laundry and came back I think to the office and there was an old child’s tooth. It wasn’t white like sepia tone. I was like umm wtf !! . Well after that first tooth that wasn’t the last. She started finding them all over the inside of the house and some were found outside. All the size of a child’s with the same sepia tone. I think all up (she stopped counting) there was at least 10. That house was absolutely weird !!

Update sent following initial email:

I’m just on Skype with my Sister now and I forgot to tell you about two other things that were weird.

1) Whilst renovating they found numerous penny’s in the walls .

2) Random old kids toys (wind up cars , army men etc would randomly show up all throughout their house.


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