The Confessionals

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Written Confession: Episode 3 - "Hatman" & Ghostly Interactions Triggers a Listener's Hatman Memory

The following written confession was shared via email:

Hey just started listening to your podcast not long ago and heard the episode with your wife about the hatman I had an experience like that when I was younger about 13 or 14 it's kinda cloudy but it brought up memories when I listened to that episode. Woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I was being watched looked up at my door that was open and seen a transparent figure in a top hat and like trench coat standing there. It was complete darkness in the room but there was a greyish whit outline of this don't know how to explain this just had to share after I heard that episode.

Check out Episode 3: "Hatman" and Ghostly Interactions HERE.