The Confessionals

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Written Confession: East Tennessee Dogman Disappears After One Fired Shot

The following written confession was submitted via email:

Hey Tony...just listened to the latest episode regarding LBL and Martin. I have heard a similar story from a guy who told me that this thing disappeared in a flash of light when he shot it. The story was benign enough, short and to the point. He and a friend were walking through a field in East Tennessee. They were finished with their hunt and it was near dark. As they were walking they noticed something walking toward them. As it got closer they could see it was what they described as a werewolf or dogman. 1 shot was fired and this thing just "poof".....gone in a flash of light. He did not mention the type of firearm he used. The flash could have been from the muzzle of the gun. But it was immediately gone.....eerily like Martin's story. Creepy stuff bro.

2nd follow-up email:

We also received a report last year from Loudon County regarding "devil monkeys". Witness described it as baboon-like. Long muzzle, sharp teeth,but on all fours during most of the encounter. Very fast moving. If it wanted to catch him, it could have.His family farm had activity with multiple sightings over the years. His encounter was when he was a school age boy. The farm has since been sold and subdivided.