Written Confession: Creepy Encounters With Zrkadlok, the Doppelgänger Demon

The following written confession was shared on Reddit by Zottoli0:

Sorry for the long post, I had an experience that I can not explain in any way.

This happened when I was maybe 13 or 14. I want to believe this was a dream, but I know it happened. I’m from eastern Slovakia in a city that isn’t necessarily religious, but has a lot of stories about demons and unholy things. We have one specific legend about what we call a “Zrkadlok”, a demon that mirrors whoever is looking at it, but I never really believed in that stuff.

We lived in a small Slavic house, and I shared a room with my brother and 2 sisters. One night I was in bed and having trouble sleeping, just lying there wide awake. After what seemed like a couple hours, I decided to go to the bathroom. We didn’t have a bathroom inside, so you had to go out the front door and around the house to go to the outhouse. I get up and step over my brother to leave the room and go out the front door.

I grab my glasses on the way out so I can see clearly outside, so I know I wasn’t just mistaking things for my bad vision. As soon as I step outside, I turn to the left to go around the house, and i am face to face with myself, maybe 2 meters in front of me. It is clearly me, same face, same age, same glasses, wearing different clothes than I was wearing but still clothes that I owned. We stared at each other, both wide eyed in shock, neither of us moving. After maybe 5 full seconds, he just turned around and casually walks around the corner of the house. I am frozen in place in shock. I know I am not dreaming. After a minute or two I slowly walk around the corner and there is no one there, just the outhouse maybe 50 meters. I go to it, pee real fast, and go back inside and get in bed. I lay awake confused and rethinking what just happened, but eventually I fall asleep.

I don’t know how long it was, but I wake up at some point to someone yelling. I sit up very startled, and my brother (8 or 9 years old at the time) comes running back into the room yelling all types of kurvas and peklos. He’s freaking out, pacing back and forth in our room. Me and my now awake sisters try to calm him down and ask what happened, but he looks like he’s having a psychotic breakdown. After a few minutes we get him to calm down and talk to us about what happened. He says he went outside to use the bathroom and as soon as he got out the door he came face to face with himself. He told the exact same story as I did. My sisters tell him he’s just tired and seeing things, it was just a bad dream. I never said anything to him. He said he didn’t want to go pee anymore and he got into bed. We all went back to sleep and I never told him about my experience ever.

I hadn’t thought about this until today. It’s been over a decade, I’m living in Salt Lake City. I woke up this morning next to my girlfriend who’s still asleep. I go about my morning, get up and put in my contacts, brush my teeth, do normal things.

I decide to go to the gym before my girlfriend wakes up, so i get ready and leave my house. I go down the stairs and out to the parking lot. But as soon as I turn to the left to go towards my car, there I am again. But this time I’m not face to face. The other me is standing maybe 100 meters away behind my car. I start walking towards him, never taking my eyes off him. We are staring at each other again. I get to 40 meters away, and I can clearly tell it’s myself. What makes me more certain is he is wearing a green jacket that I had in the passenger seat of my car, it is not easy to mistake. At about 20 meters away, he turns and walks behind the cars and I lose sight of him. I get to my car and look in the window, and my jacket is no longer on my seat. I am so freaked out by this point I just go back to my apartment and get back in bed. I’m lying here typing this now and I am in shock. I know I’m not dreaming, because I am clearly wide awake. I don’t know if this is the real Zrkadlok or if this is just some sick hallucinations.


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