Paranormal News, Unexplainable Events & Other Oddities
Lindsay Merkel Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Beast of Oakley Manor

The following written confession was submitted via email: …Shortly after passing Oakley North houses and getting to where the woods were on both sides, I began hearing something large in the woods, walking as I would walk, and if I'd stop it would stop…

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Written Confessions, Dogman, Cryptids Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Dogman, Cryptids Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: East Tennessee Dogman Disappears After One Fired Shot

The following written confession was submitted via email: He and a friend were walking through a field in East Tennessee. They were finished with their hunt and it was near dark. As they were walking they noticed something walking toward them. As it got closer they could see it was what they described as a werewolf or dogman…

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Written Confession: Still Looking for Answers About “The White Thing”

The following written confession was originally shared online: So I've read nearly every post on here and have yet to find anything that sounds exactly like what my friends and I used to call the white thing. I grew up in rural Pennsylvania and a big group of us used to hang out at my friends parents house. His dad was a doctor so they had this huge house deep in the woods so we would spend basically every day and night here….

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Written Confession: Another Roof Walker Encounter in El Paso, Texas

The following written confession was submitted via email: I was listening to episode 95 roof walker with kasey. She didn’t mention what city/town in Texas she was from. I had an situation where “something” ran across my roof. Never found out what it was but I am also from a town in Texas near the Mexican border where Santa clause wears shorts and has an accent… Initially my heart dropped bc her story sounded familiar to mine. I lived in El Paso Texas with my older sister when I was around 17-18 years old. She worked 12 hour nights so I was home alone often….

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