BLOG: 30 Images of Uncanny Coincidences People Experienced Using the Randonautica App

It’s a dangerous business going out your front door, and there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to… But you don’t have to be Frodo to explore an unknown destination for an extraordinary adventure! Or a strange adventure. Or a creepy one. Or all of the above…

Users of the curious app Randonautica are exploring the world around them, and documenting the weird journey. The app utilizes a quantum computer to produce random coordinates to nearby locations that its users can explore, should they dare to boldly go. The app asks that Randonauts set an “intention” in their mind before embarking - and if they do, they just might encounter a very uncanny coincidence between their random location and the intention they set out to find. And so far, there are no shortage of users who discovered what they wished for in one freaky way or another!

Are these locations truly random points on the map, or does the purposeful power of the mind manifest a synchronistic reality? Here are 30 Images of Uncanny Coincidences People Experienced Using the Randonautica App!

1) Just give me a sign.

2) You don’t see that every day.

3) Not sure any amount of money is worth going in here.

4) Love is in the air.

5) Clap if you believe in fairies.

6) Reserved for Rachel.

7) What are the odds?

8) Mission accomplished!

9) A confidence boost from the universe.

10) Did they find the answer?

11) A one-way ticket down the rabbit hole.

12) That about sums it up.

13) A sweet birthday surprise.

14) That’s a great marketing campaign.

15) Opening the third eye at a quantum blind spot.

16) Ask and ye shall receive.

17) All that glitters is not gold.

18) A van full of supplies!

19) Not gonna lie, this one hurts a little.

20) Two syncronicities for the price of one.

21) Follow the yellow brick steps.

22) Randonautica app? ALIENS.

23) Getting the kids in on the fun!

24) A trip to the Fairy Aisles.

25) Hope they don’t follow you home.

26) Maybe it’s a message from the last person who went Randonauting.

27) ‘Death as our intention’ just sounds like it’s going to dig up trouble.

28) You’ve got plenty to spare.

29) That’s pretty on point.

30) A sunny reminder.

Have you ever gone on a randonauting adventure? Share your experience with us in the comment section!

Want to check out more eerie Randonautica finds? Watch 10 Creepy Videos of Things People Discovered Using the Randonautica App, or dive down the rabbit hole of the Randonautica Reddit thread.

To learn more about Randonautica directly from its founder, listen in on The Confessionals Episode 395: The Mysterious Randonautica!

~ Lindsay W. Merkel


Written Confession: The Haunted Christmas Tree


BLOG: 10 Photos of Unexpected Ghosts and Entities Taken at Family Gatherings