Written Confession: Middle of the Night Visit From Mommy Deadest

The following written confession was shared via Buzzfeed:

In 2003, my mom woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. She walked into the hallway and looked toward the living room. There on the couch was her mother, who had died in 1985, staring straight ahead. The couch was facing the window, not the hallway, so her mother wasn't looking at her — but she could see her profile perfectly. In shock, my mom went into the bathroom. When she came back out, her mother was still sitting there, unmoving. She went back to bed. I asked her why she didn't go down the hallway and she said, 'My mother was scary enough when she alive, I didn't want to see her dead.'


Written Confession: The Ghostly Christmas Choir


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