VIDEO: ‘Exploring with Phill’ Takes On Evil Amy in the Bridgewater Triangle

Gear up for a spooky adventure in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, where the ordinary meets the extraordinary, and backyards aren't just for barbecues! Phill from the YouTube channel Exploring with Phill explores the creepy story of his friend Kristine's childhood home and the mysterious woods out back.

Imagine, one moment you're doodling in your sketchbook, the next, you're sprinting away from invisible whispers and phantom footsteps that chill you to the bone. In 1995, Kristine experienced something so chilling in her own backyard that it left her shaken and full of questions decades later. She invited Phill to come witness the scene of her unnerving encounter firsthand, marking Phill’s first venture into exploring a personal story at someone’s home, and the beginning of a ghostly hunt for an entity who seems to call itself “Amy.”

Watch this backyard Bridgewater Triangle mystery in the video Evil Amy | Paranormal Encounter in The Woods Behind Home in The Bridgewater Triangle!

Listen to Phill’s own eerie experiences on Episode 50: Haunting Stories of Onset, Massachusetts (“He slithered over to me…”) and Episode 603: The Bridgewater Triangle Pukwudgies.


Written Confession: The Midnight Orb Encounter


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