The Confessionals

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Written Confession: Fourth of July Cornfield Creature

The following written confession was originally shared by Thought Catalog:

This happened maybe 2 years ago. It was Fourth of July night, my fiancé and I had gone out with some friends to a small country town for their fireworks show. On the way back home, we were driving down country roads. It was dark and a little creepy being surrounded by cornfields. I should note that this general area is about a few blocks away from a well known haunted cemetery. Anyway, as we were driving down the road I notice out of the corner of my eye this figure on the side of the road. I only saw it for a split second but it sent chills through me. It has to have been at least 7 feet tall – lanky with these long slender arms and long legs and the face was similar to the nurses from silent hill, just totally warped but no distinguishable features. Just a blank face. I just sat for a few moments in the car silently. I finally said something to my fiancé kind of shrugging it off. ‘That was weird, I thought I saw something back there.’

‘The thing without the face? I saw it too.’

And that tops my scariest feeling so far. I still get chills thinking about it.