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Creature Feature Friday: Giant Sky Clams

It seems like UFOs are everywhere nowadays. Although many reports have yet to be identified, what if some of these UFOs have existed for decades because they are, in fact, large biological entities soaring through the skies - like, say, giant sky clams? Hear me out. Or rather, hear out the story of Don Wood Jr., whose incredible UFO account is one of extra-terrestrial proportions:

In October 1959, the magazine Flying Saucers published a true-life UFO account submitted by an anonymous man, who was later identified as Don Wood Jr.

Wood claimed that in 1925, he and several friends were flying a set of biplanes, commonly known as Jennies, through the Nevada desert. They landed their planes near the town of Battle Mountain, atop Flat Mesa - a hard-to-reach area of land surrounded by walls of sheer cliffs. Because (human) aviation was still less than 25 years old at the time, it is possible Flat Mesa had never before been accessed by people, and what Wood and company witnessed next was all the more perplexing.

Shortly after their landing in the afternoon, Wood and his friends witnessed another landing.

They watched as a round, flat, 8-foot-long object came from the sky and skidded to a stop thirty feet away. What they saw resembled the carapace of a clam, with a wet-looking top half and reddish bottom half. Wood witnessed the top of the strange shell moving up and down as if the disc was breathing, revealing a 6-inch opening all the way around itself as it lifted and closed. Wood was convinced that the object was organic, writing to Flying Saucers, “So help me, this was an animal.”

Image from Amazon.

Following their initial shock at the surprising sight, the men noticed that the clam-like creature appeared to be injured, as it was missing a chunk from its shell covering. From the apparent wound, a metallic froth issued. The sky clam attempted to take off again, but could only manage to rise a few inches into the air before collapsing back to the ground.

Wood said they watched the animal-UFO for 20 minutes before it suddenly began to glow as “bright as all get out.” Then, both men and sky clam were eclipsed by a shadow that blotted out the sun: another sky clam - this one a whopping 30 feet in diameter. Wood described the enormous clam descending over the smaller one, and then reaching out with four “sucker-like tongues” that attached to the wounded clam and hauled it away into the sky. He estimated the sky clams traveled close to 1,000 miles per hour as they disappeared into the horizon.

After the clams’ dramatic exit, Wood and his friends examined the site closely, where they discovered the metal froth that oozed out of the smaller clam had turned into thin metal wires, which began melting in the sun. Wood never saw giant sky clams again, but he was still haunted by the experience over 25 years later, when he shared his story with Flying Saucers.

Could glowing biological creatures be the culprit behind some unexplained UFO sightings and mysterious lights in the sky? Are sky clams an undiscovered terrestrial species, or visitors from another planet (…or dimension…)?

If you enjoyed this Creature Feature Friday, check out some other strange UFO sightings in Written Confession: Eerie Orb UFO Filmed in Liverpool, New York and 10 Historic UFO Photos Taken Around the World!