READ: Tony Merkel Featured in ‘Tennessee Highlighter’

Merkel Media CEO and The Confessionals podcast host Tony Merkel was recently featured in Tennessee Highlighter - check out some of his interview below as he discusses risk-taking, Tennessee, and more!

Meet Tony Merkel | CEO of Merkel Media

We had the good fortune of connecting with Tony Merkel and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Tony, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking.

Entrepreneurship inherently involves risk-taking; it’s a fundamental aspect of building a business. In the early stages, the stakes are relatively low, making it easier to embrace risks during the initial building process. With less to lose, stepping outside the comfort zone of normalcy feels more manageable.

As the business progresses and expands, the nature of risk-taking changes. It becomes less about the willingness to take a leap and more about having the courage and acumen to assess situations critically and make informed decisions under pressure. This evolution brings new challenges and stressors, as the impact of decisions now affects the larger structure and the people within the organization . . .

… Read the rest of the article over at Tennessee Highlighter !


Written Confession: The Pied Piper of Long Island - A Strange Encounter at the Park


VIDEO: Tony Merkel and Joel Thomas Join Pop Culture Crisis Episode 599